Let Us Pray For You

When you can't put your prayer into words, God hears your heart. - Anonymous

We believe that there is power in praying together. We see that on Sundays and in our worship services and other activities throughout the week. But outside of church, it’s easy to feel that when, where, and how we
talk to God is a solo affair.

The Tradition Of Shared Prayer

​In the “olden days” people lived and worshipped in a supportive culture of Christian community. But in today’s world, it’s all too easy to feel that in matters of the heart and spirit, just as in the secular aspects of our lives, we have to be independent, self-sufficient, “do it all ourselves.”

That’s why at Trinity we have a strong commitment to the tradition of shared prayer. not just in church but anytime we need inspiration and support for deepening our relationship with God through prayer.

May We Pray For You?

Is this a time in your life when you could use some extra “prayer power”? Contact Fr. Jim at 304.529.6084 or fill out the form below.

The Kindness Prayer

A new heart will I give you, and a new spirit I will put within you; and I will remove from your body the heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
– Ezekiel 36:26

Take my heart of stone
and give me a new heart.
A heart to love you,
A heart to love others.

Love people who
look different,
have a different skin color,
wear different clothes,
talk differently than I do.

Give me a new heart to love.
Give me a new heart, a heart of flesh.

– Kindness Prayer from Call on Me: A Prayer Book for Young People