Music At Trinity

“Music is the correct response to the presence of God.
​ – Anonymous 

At Trinity we are wild about music. We use music as a central part of our regular worship services. We also believe that music is worship.

Trinity’s music program got its start because of the interest and efforts of one of the church’s early leaders, General John H. Oley.

​Oley was a remarkable man who also served as a vestryman and treasurer, taking the latter role so seriously that he frequently applied his own resources to the church budget.

Since Oley’s time, Trinity has continued to maintain a strong music program. Today, under the direction of Music Director Mark A. Smith – who also serves as Organist and Choir Director – we are known for our creative and often non-traditional approach to church music.

In the spring we might stage a Broadway musical. Fall brings our free annual Halloween Concert, for which everyone – musicians and audience alike – comes in costume.

​Big band music, Scottish bagpipes, Native American dance – you might find just about anything on Trinity’s musical menu.

Since its beginnings in the 1940’s, the Choral Scholar Program has enriched the worship of Trinity Church and provided a fertile learning and spiritual experience for generations of young musicians.

More than a few have gone on to become members ​of the Episcopal Church.

Scholarships are awarded to vocally proficient students who are registered in good academic standing at Marshall University.

The normal term of a scholarship is one academic year, generally September through May, although actual starting and ending dates ​can vary from year to year.

​It’s our hope that Choral Scholars will find their personal spiritual journeys enriched by their work at Trinity.

​But there are no expectations placed on them with respect ​to the doctrine or discipline of the Episcopal Church.

If you’re interested in this scholarship, or if you’d like more information, please contact Mark Smith at 304.529.6084.