Spiritual Formation

We are all spiritual beings. We live in our physical bodies, but it is our spirit that frames the way we see the world, the way we see ourselves, and the choices we make.

​But in everyday life, we rarely give a thought to developing their inner lives.

We are eternal beings who have lost sight of eternal living. We make sure we meet our physical needs, but at the expense of our souls and a relationship with God.

Christian formation is the lifelong process of knowing god and being known by god.

When we speak of spiritual formation, this is what we mean: growing in our relationship with God and self, others, and all creation.

Relationships Require Knowledge

We are promised that as we come to know God, and God comes to know us, we are changed. Spiritual formation asks us to create space for God. We’re reminded that we can’t simply be bystanders in our spiritual lives. We must open our restless hearts and let God in.

​We can do this by adopting spiritual practices, and by slowing down enough to create pockets of solitude where we can read, pray, and listen to God.

The promise of spiritual formation is that we can create an authentic relationship with God – and with ourselves and others – that extends beyond the walls of the church into every aspect of our lives.

​Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”

“And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, ​who is the Spirit.”

 – 2 Corinthians 3:18

Spiritual Formation helps us reclaim our relationship with God as it was meant to be. It is what has been called training in eternal living, a determined discipleship to our Lord Jesus Christ that will restore to us – or introduce us for the first time – to the renewable source of spiritual energy we’ve been looking for.

If you’d like guidance in exploring your spiritual path or forming a plan for personal spiritual growth, contact Fr. Jim at 304.529.6084.